Cultivate a die-hard community around your brand & reach new heights

Discover and implement the exact systems used to grow multiple communities to a combined 14 million and generate over $6,800,000 in annual recurring revenue

Discover and implement the exact systems used to grow multiple communities to a combined 14 million and generate over $6,800,000 in annual recurring revenue

Get Started

What experts are saying

Scot Chisolhm


This is the most curated group of founders I’ve ever been a part of. It’s truly heavy-hitters only.

Harley Finkelstein


The key to the future of commerce is community and Matt is one of the most brilliant and thoughtful community builders I've ever met.

Sahil Bloom

SRB Holdings

The proof is in the pudding. Matt’s approach has helped grow Herb to 14 million people and he has one of the fastest-growing personal brands I’ve ever seen.

Austin Belcak

Cultivate Culture

If I woke up with no audience and no customers, Matt is the first person I’d call to help me build it back up.

What’s the secret behind
guaranteed, consistent growth?

It’s not more ads, offers or even more content - it’s community. And if you pay attention, you’ll notice all the biggest brands obsess over creating a community.


Because people don’t become raving fans of a “business.”

People become obsessed with (and loyal customers of) brands that make them feel one thing:

A sense of belonging.

Without it, you just have a bunch of followers - bound to start “following” someone else as soon as they get bored.


If you can cultivate a community around your brand you’ve got a near-unlimited source of growth. And you can leverage this force to grow your online business bigger than you might imagine…

Over the past 15 years I’ve built multiple communities around my brands, with sizes ranging from a few hundred to 14 million. These communities now generate over $8M in annual recurring revenue. And now I’m revealing how you can do the same.

This playbook and community experience will reveal everything you need to know to build your own engaged community and reach new levels of impact and growth.

Ready to create your own die-hard community of raving fans?

Get started for just $20

What You'll Discover In Community OS

Course Curriculum

Module 1
Community OS

Discover how to create a unique space for your community, filled with purpose, support, and collaboration.

Module 2
Build Strong Foundations

Discover how to create a compelling vision, mission, and purpose for your community.

Module 3
Find Your Tribe

Uncover the secrets to identify, attract, and grow your tribe like wildfire.

Module 4
Captivate Through Content

Learn how to create a dynamic content strategy that attracts, engages, and retains your ideal community members.

Module 5
Monetize Your Community

Unlock the potential of your community as a revenue generator. Align your income with your community.

Module 6
Scale Your Community

Learn how to expand your reach and multiply your impact with proven growth strategies.

Module 7
Community Management & Engagement

Master the art of leading your community with care and creativity.

Module 8
Launch With Momentum

Get ready to create serious waves with a proven playbook that attracts your first 100 community members.

It’s Time To Start Building a Community Around Your Brand

$20 /month

  • Actionable 1-hour course
  • 8 easily-digestible lessons
  • Building a thriving community
  • Monetize your passion
  • Proven community launch playbook
  • Attract your first 100 members
  • Access to live community experience

“The key to the future of commerce is community and Matt is one of the most brilliant and thoughtful community builders I've ever met.

His philosophy and practices helped grow Herb to 14 million people and is changing the way people think about cannabis."

Harry Finkelstein

President, Shopify


Michael Novotny

Founder, Side Product Led Growth

As a Founder there are so many tasks and priorities to do, it feels overwhelming. I've seen first hand how Matt's system turns the chaos into order. As a Founder this is life saving. One less thing I have to worry about and a system is something that I can count on to build on to get results in growing my audience. This is essential building blocks for creating a brand. Matt's demonstrated this with multiple corporate brands and a personal brand. Not a better person to learn from and I am thankful for Audience OS.

5 stars

Michael Gruen

Connector-in Chief

Hey there, I'm Michael Gruen – serial entrepreneur, savvy investor, and lover of all things risky. I've founded more successful companies than I have fingers, including Sway House, TalentX Entertainment, and TalentX Gaming. I'm always on the lookout for new opportunities to push the boundaries of what's possible in the world of business, and that's where my trusty mentor Matt comes in. He's been with me through thick and thin, guiding me with his Jedi-like wisdom and always-on-point advice. Thanks to him, I've been able to achieve my goals, develop my skills, and unleash my inner business beast.

Content Empire OS is the ultimate game-changer for any entrepreneur or content creator looking to level up their communication skills and personal brand. It's like having a personal coach and cheerleader rolled into one – don't miss out on this golden opportunity to unleash your inner creativity and stand out from the pack.

I would recommend Content Empire OS for entrepreneurs, investors, and content creators looking to improve their communication skills and create more effective content. The program's are particularly helpful for those looking to develop a stronger personal brand and stand out in their industry. If you're an entrepreneur or content creator looking to take your game to the next level I can't recommend this highly enough!

5 stars
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Leon van der Laan

Remode Ventures MB

5 stars

Rob Hoffman

CEO of Contact Studios

Matt’s courses have taught me tons of great strategies over the years that have been essential to growing my business where it is today! The proof is in the pudding — Matt’s used these strategies to grow massive audiences and doesn’t hold back in sharing the secrets to his success in his courses. After being stuck on a plateau, I learned audience growth strategies from Matt that helped me get to the next level and build a multiple 7-figure business.

5 stars
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Kyle Thomas

Founder-The UpEmployment Program

5 stars

Chad Goodman


Matt is the mentor every startup founder needs in their corner. He is world class at scaling and operating profitable businesses; it’s not luck when you do it 3x. He has put in the work to become an expert in all areas of taking a startup from 0–100 and graciously shares all he knows. When Matt talks, you listen.

5 stars
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5 stars

Andy Mewborn

Founder, Tenderfoot

A 30-minute converstaion changed my perspective on audience growth. I was at 32k on Linkedin. Two months later I was over 100k on LinkedIn. Not kidding. As with anything, you have to be consistent with Matt's strategy and tactics, and if you are, they work. If you're on the fence about taking Matt's course, just do it and you won't be disappointed.

5 stars

Nick Gray

Founder, The Knowledge Nook

Matt Gray's Content Empire OS has revolutionized The Knowledge Nook with its incredible features. Thanks to this powerful tool, we have been able to effortlessly create and distribute top-notch content to thousands of product people, resulting in an impressive 300% growth in our audience. The platform is extremely intuitive and has enabled us to optimize our content creation and distribution process with ease. We are grateful to have discovered such a valuable and indispensable resource in Content Empire OS.

5 stars


I’ve made clients $8 million, but have struggled to know how to grow my own audience and build out my own personal brand. Content Empire OS is essentially the paint-by-numbers version of a 7-figure content strategy. Everything Matt shares is extremely clear and actionable, plus some of the systems he covers will easily half my content creation time. I can’t wait to see how fast I’m able to build up my personal brand following these systems.

5 stars

Spencer Murphy

Co-Founder, Media Scaling

My name is Spencer Murphy, co-founder of Media Scaling. At Media Scaling we work with Personal Brands & Podcasts to exponentially grow their brand with our Social SEO System. Content Empire OS has helped us put out over 1,500 pieces of short-form content, generate over 16 million views, and add over 500,000 followers and subscribers within 3 months for a client starting nearly from scratch. Matt has extreme work ethic, attention to detail, and the experience to help creators and founders scale their content & business empires much more efficiently. I'd recommend Content Empire OS for any creator looking to improve their content systems, whether just getting started, or even if you have an audience already in the 100s of thousands, Content Empire OS will be an extremely valuable resource.

5 stars

John Paterson


I’m John Paterson, the CEO of Quadshift, an acquirer and operator of vertical market SaaS companies. We are looking to attract inbound interest from companies considering selling their business to us, talented individuals to join our team and investors to fund our acquisition strategy. Content Empire OS has helped us generate and execute a content strategy that builds an audience to meet these objectives. Matt is a seasoned and creative content strategist and practitioner, who shares his insights and tactics in a perfectly digestible package. I would highly recommend Content Empire OS.

5 stars
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Michael GRUEN and

5 stars

Brett Adcock

Founder/CEO at Figure

Since learning Content Empire OS, I increased my Twitter following from 5,000 to 94,000. These followers have led directly to investors, amazing hires, and newsletter growth. Great content is an asset and Matt is the best at creating engaging content that converts.

5 stars


Get started for just $20